Trapped Under Plastic
Do you enjoy mini painting, sprue clipping and the smell of super glue? Then pull up a chair and join Scott and Jon as they delve into everything hobby and find themselves Trapped Under Plastic!
Trapped Under Plastic
Traveling 800 Miles to Sit in a Nerdy Basement - S4E25
On this week's episode of Trapped Under Plastic, Jon and Scott talk about Jon's Trip to Vinceycon to work on his Golden Daemon Project and more.
On Patreon, we offer our patron's the ability to submit topics for us to discuss during a podcast, you get an extended version of the podcast, and you can submit miniatures for us to critique during an episode!
Relevant Links
use code TUP10 code for Into the AM and get 10% off!
Vince Venturella Video - Painting Challenges (Up Your Game)
GW Miniature Voting
Snarling Badger Studios releases the first issues of SNARL “...the official ‘zine of Snarling Badger Studios”, the first issue includes a new microgame: “Tanks” for the Apocalypse for 2-10 players AND adds on for both Reign in Hell & Space Station Zero
Spiky Bits comments on how fast artists are leaving GW, “This year alone, Paul Dainton, Phil Moss & Thomas Elliot left Games Workshop,...”
00:00:00 Start
00:03:48 Preamble Ramble
00:34:26 What We Painted
00:56:35 Main Topic
02:23:42 Outro
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Follow Jon: https://www.youtube.com/ninjon
Follow Scott: https://www.youtube.com/miniac
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Listen to the audio versions: http://www.trappedunderplastic.com/