Trapped Under Plastic
Do you enjoy mini painting, sprue clipping and the smell of super glue? Then pull up a chair and join Scott and Jon as they delve into everything hobby and find themselves Trapped Under Plastic!
Trapped Under Plastic
Don't Fail Before You Start - S5E2
On this week's episode of Trapped Under Plastic, Jon and Scott talk about how to plan for success but not be intimidated by expectation.
On Patreon, we offer our patron's the ability to submit topics for us to discuss during a podcast, you get an extended version of the podcast, and you can submit miniatures for us to critique during an episode!
Relevant Links
- GW LVO drops - Horus Heresy Solar Auxillia being released in plastic, Callus and Toll AoS miniatures to be released with their novel by David Annandale, more Kroot (possibly making it a playable faction sans Tau), new Warcry “Pyre & Flood” featuring Lumineth & Nighthaunts and Kill Team box Nightmare featuring Drukari Mandrakes vs Nightlords
- “Glory, Hallelujah!” a Black Powder supplement get models from Warlord Games 28mm American Civil War boxsets coming soon, each of the 3 upcoming boxes can be used for either side
- BuildInstructions.com, a website that’s been out for just over a year, has collected the build instructions for over 3,000 GW models (all of which are free to download) are asking the community for help to fill in their gaps. They’re looking for digital PDF submissions but will also take paper instructions if you’d like to mail it into them
- Frontline Gaming’s International Tournament Circuit (ITC) is now officially part of Warhammer Events, the only change for now is that there will be “Warhammer Staff” (interesting that the article doesn’t say “Games Workshop Staff”) at the tournaments to hand out the awards. They will also be moving the ranking system from Frontline Gaming to Best Coast Parings
- GW’s Armies on Parade 2024 will include new categories
- Individual - full army, no terrain by a single painter
- Team - can be multiple people painting the same entry (TUP Team entry? Or Vincy-Con entry?)
- Display - an army with terrain of a diorama, can be individual or team and entered in those categories as well
- Youngblood - entry based on Rob Liefeld’s Valiant’s superhero or the eponymous team Youngblood (kidding, it’s for kids 13-16 and can be entered as a team
00:00:00 Start
00:10:42 Preamble Ramble
00:27:15 What We Painted
00:43:32 Main Topic
01:56:28 Outro
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Follow Scott: https://www.youtube.com/miniac
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