Trapped Under Plastic
Do you enjoy mini painting, sprue clipping and the smell of super glue? Then pull up a chair and join Scott and Jon as they delve into everything hobby and find themselves Trapped Under Plastic!
Trapped Under Plastic
Why Can't We Get Along?!
On this episode of Trapped Under Plastic, Scott and Jon discuss why are the mainstream miniature or skirmish games competitive instead of cooperative, and is there room for growth in the cooperative space?
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Follow Jon: https://www.youtube.com/ninjon
Follow Scott: https://www.youtube.com/miniac
Join the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/395664561386239/
Listen to the audio versions: http://www.trappedunderplastic.com/
On patreon, we offer our patron's the ability to submit topics for us to discuss during a podcast, you get an extended version of the podcast, and you can submit miniatures for us to critique during an episode!
Relevant Links
New Miniac Video:
New Ninjon Video:
Jon's Pro Acryl Paint Set:
GenCon Magic Card Heist:
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Creature Caster Going Through the Wildfires:
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New Warhammer Video Games Shown at Gamescom:
00:00 Start
01:29 Preamble Ramble
43:55 What We Painted
01:07:37 Topic Discussion
01:51:49 News
Support the Show on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/trappedunderplastic
Support the Show with Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/trapped-under-plastic
Follow Jon: https://www.youtube.com/ninjon
Follow Scott: https://www.youtube.com/miniac
Join the FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/395664561386239/
Listen to the audio versions: http://www.trappedunderplastic.com/